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Knowledge Base:  Design - Site Builder:  The Flash Wizard
Flash animation helps you add customized Flash animation to your website. A 
Flash intro is the first thing that you customers get to see before moving on to your 
website's Homepage. With Flash animation you can communicate your ideas with 
rich graphics and music. We have added additional Flash Intros in this new 

The following operations can be performed using the Flash Wizard in any 

I. Select / Change Back Ground color of the animation. This can be done by 
clicking on the BG Color button in the Flash Wizard and Selecting / changing the 
color from the given options.
II. Incorporate text like Main Title, Sub Title and various messages to be displayed 
in the flash animation (10 options available for displaying messages). This can 
be done by clicking on the Text button in the Flash wizard. You can also 
select/change colors for the Text for better clarity with various backgrounds.
III. Choose the Background for the animation. Various backgrounds with attractive 
designs are available to choose from. This can be done by clicking on the 
Background button in the Flash wizard, where you will have various options for 
choosing the background of the Flash intro.
IV. Insert, Edit and Remove Pictures. This can be done by clicking the Picture 
button in the Flash wizard. Various picture options are available category wise for 
the users to select. The two basic categories are Business & Professional and 
Personal within which various sub categories are available. On clicking a 
particular sub category various thumbnail images relevant to that category are 
V. The images incorporated in the animation can be edited to suit your 
requirements. Images can be centered; rotated, scaled and even visibility 
improvements can be done. These functions can be seen on clicking the Picture 
button, where you will have three buttons Insert, Remove and Edit.
VI. Users can select the animations of their choice from the available options. This 
can be done by clicking the Animation button in the Flash Wizard. On clicking the 
animation button, the user will be provided with the various animation options, 
from which they can select the animation of their choice.
VII. Users can select Background Music of their choice from the available options 
this can be done by clicking the Audio button in the Flash Wizard. On clicking the 
animation button, the user will be provided with the various audio options, from 
which they can select the audio piece of their choice.
VIII. Users can also preview the final Flash animation with the selected, 
background, background color, text, pictures and audio by clicking the Preview 
button. Once you are satisfied, you can click on the Submit button to submit your 
Flash intro for publishing on your website.
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