In order to save some work, you may want to create a "message rule".
Message rules are very handy in instances like if you have set up SpamAssassn
to mark your suspected spam. This way the spam will not clutter up your inbox,
and you can browse through the spam folder and delete the spam at your leisure.
To create a Message rule to move Spamassasin tagged mail to a folder
called "SPAM":
1.> Create a folder for the SPAM
2.> From the "Tools" Menu, choose "Message Rules" then "Mail"
3.> Click the "New" Button
4.> Check the Box "Where Subject Line Contains Specific Words"
5.> Click the new hyperlink which will appear and enter ***SPAM*** into the box it
will provide.
6.> Click the "Add" button, Then "OK"
7.> Check the box labeled, "Move it to the Specified Folder"
8.> Click the new hyperlink, select the new SPAM folder then click "OK"
9.> Optional but Suggested: Give the rule a descriptive name.
10.> Click "OK"
You may now create a new rule, or click "OK" again to finish.