Anonymous FTP access
You can allow users to connect to your anonymous FTP directory without having a
password to login. This may be useful if you have files that you wish to be publicly
available for download. Please note that allowing anonymous users to access
any part of your system may be considered a security hole.
1 To access the FTP Manager, see
2 Click on Setup Anonymous FTP Access.
3 To enable users to connect to your site anonymously, make sure there is a
check in the box next to Allow anonymous access.... If there is not a check in the
box, click on the box to Allow anonymous access.
4 To enable users to upload files to your site anonymously, make sure there is a
check in the box next to Allow anonymous upload.... If there is not a check in the
box, click on the box to Allow anonymous uploads.
5 Click on Save Settings to save any changes you have made to anonymous FTP
WARNING: Allowing anonymous uploads allows users to place any files they want
in your anonymous FTP directory. Objectionable material can be placed there
without your knowledge.