For security purpose, IE7+ will pop-up a warning alert message as shown below
when you try to copy or paste something into a message in the Project
Management System:
"Do you want to allow this webpage to access your Clipboard?
If you allow this, the webpage can access the Clipboard and read information that
you’ve cut or copied recently."
You will then need to press or click “Don’t Allow” or “Allow” button to get pass the
popup message.
This security feature can be disabled. Disabling this specific feature is considered
safe for the majority of users. To disable the pop up warning message about
possible harmful or unauthorized Clipboard access, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Tools -> Internet Options.
2. Go to Security tab.
3. Select “Internet” zone, then click on “Custom level…” button.
4. Scroll down to “Scripting” section (at the bottom few).
5. Under “Allow Programmatic clipboard access” option, check or select (tick)
Enable. Default action for this option is Prompt, which causes the pop-up
message whenever there is any attempt to access the Clipboard.
6. Click Ok twice to exit from Internet Options.